foureyes is

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hi, i'm foureyes, i'll answer questions if you send them to me! if you need help with your relationship, or just want to know what would happen if you put a cactus potato on a sandwich balcony, email them to me at!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Bonus Video!

Here is a bonus video I made today while I cleaned. Foureyes will be up later tonight, sorry about that, I recorded it yesterday but then got lazy.

Here is what I did today. from Abi Jay on Vimeo.

This is what Foureyes does on her Saturdays, between an Ask Foureyes episode and a reflection. Please no kitchen jokes, and yes, I know my basement is creepy as shit, we call it the Amityville Horror basement and my friends won't go down there at night.

A note about the eagle I chipped: My dad used to make wood carvings that were abstract-ish and cool. The eagle is one of them. We also have a huge one in the garage that looks like a cross between the Virgin Mary and a peanut. But anyway, the eagle flew off the side table it was on when I tried to rest the camera on its head, and it almost hit me in the foot which would've caused me to cry, and its eagle foot chipped. Moral of the story: eagles are not camera-rests and they will fuck you up.

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