foureyes is

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hi, i'm foureyes, i'll answer questions if you send them to me! if you need help with your relationship, or just want to know what would happen if you put a cactus potato on a sandwich balcony, email them to me at!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Bonus Video!

Here is a bonus video I made today while I cleaned. Foureyes will be up later tonight, sorry about that, I recorded it yesterday but then got lazy.

Here is what I did today. from Abi Jay on Vimeo.

This is what Foureyes does on her Saturdays, between an Ask Foureyes episode and a reflection. Please no kitchen jokes, and yes, I know my basement is creepy as shit, we call it the Amityville Horror basement and my friends won't go down there at night.

A note about the eagle I chipped: My dad used to make wood carvings that were abstract-ish and cool. The eagle is one of them. We also have a huge one in the garage that looks like a cross between the Virgin Mary and a peanut. But anyway, the eagle flew off the side table it was on when I tried to rest the camera on its head, and it almost hit me in the foot which would've caused me to cry, and its eagle foot chipped. Moral of the story: eagles are not camera-rests and they will fuck you up.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Foureyes' Suggested Tattoo Aftercare

The following are the tattoo aftercare instructions I got from my favourite artist, and since I constantly lose this piece of paper, I decided to type them up so I can always access them, forever, from anywhere, until the end of time. All my tattoos have healed beautifully, by following these directions, and picking phenomenal artists, of course. And I thought I'd share them with you, my loyal followers and blog readers. (HAH.) The { } are my personal suggestions.

Keep bandage on for 1-2 hours depending on the amount of bleeding. {Or however long your artist tells you to.} After removing bandage DO NOT re-bandage. Air is the best tattoo healer.

Once the bandage is off wash tattoo gently with warm water and antibacterial {read: orange Dial} soap. Pat area dry with clean towel. Avoid cloth as it may harbor certain harmful bacteria.

After tattoo is washed apply a very thin layer of ointment. We suggest A&D ointment. {I love A&D.} If your skin tends to be sensitive you may have a slight reaction to this ointment. In that case, switch to Bacitracin, Bag Balm, or Tat Wax {or something like it, but NEVER NEOSPORIN, because Neosporin destroys the ink}. Only apply thin layer of ointment when tattoo appears dry, approximately 2-4 times a day, but this may vary with different skin types. {I just do it when the ointment rubs off on something.}

Keep using ointment for 3-4 days after you get tattoo. After that switch to a light nonscented lotion {I swear by Gold Bond Ultimate Healing}. Your skin may appear to peel or flake after 4-5 days. This is normal. {I switch to lotion when it starts peeling.} Let your skin peel naturally, do not pick, scratch or rub area. {If you do, you will rip chunks of ink out and they will charge you for the touch-up because you can't follow directions.} After tattoo has peeled completely your tattoo is healed to the point that you do not have to worry about aftercare anymore.

While tattoo is healing, DO NOT submerge area in any water. No swimming, hot tubs, baths, etc...Showers are fine. Also, keep new tattoo out of direct sunlight, as that may fade the colors. After tattoo is healed always use sunblock when out in sun. This will ensure your tattoo will stay bright for a lifetime. {I wear SPF 85.} Wear loose clothing while tattoo is healing, and avoid any clothing that will rub or put pressure on tattoo. Also avoid sleeping on new tattoo, to prevent sticking. If this should happen use warm water and peel stuck material off gently.

{The rest of it is specific to my artist except:} Tattoos cannot be touched up until 3-4 weeks after they're healed.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

"Beer" Reel Big Fish

And the Song of the Week is...


Saturday, July 3, 2010

Foureyes 2 July

Here's the Foureyes episode for 2 July. The music is "Wasted Wings" by Emmett Rozelle, the song of the week was "I Will Follow You into the Dark" as covered by Anthony Raneri, and as always, you can ask questions here, or email them to for next week!