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hi, i'm foureyes, i'll answer questions if you send them to me! if you need help with your relationship, or just want to know what would happen if you put a cactus potato on a sandwich balcony, email them to me at!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Obnoxious "deathcore."

So Wednesday night at approximately 1:40 AM, a little band from Toronto pulled the fire alarm in my building. I had to leave my comfy warm bed that I had been asleep in for about 40 minutes, and vacate the building into the cold, while that adorable little band from Toronto ran through my building, graffiti-ing people's door tags, bulletin boards, whiteboards, and any other sort of decoration.

In retaliation, I plotted a MySpace demise. I planned to create a fake, annoying indie girl MySpace page, and then friend them, and then spam the hell out of them with glitter graphics.

I made the MySpace, I hated myself for what I put on it, I put up stupid pictures and Bright Eyes lyrics, I gave myself a fake name, I friended bands, I added a skinny stupid "vintage" layout, and I prepared 12 glitter graphics, all saying cute things like "Fuck you" "Your band sucks" "Play real music" and "Nobody likes metal!"

Then I attempted to comment this on their page and spam the shit out of them.

And I hit a wall because those FUCKERS disabled HTML comments on their site.

So here is a gallery of hate I can't share with the people it was intended for.


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