hi, i'm foureyes, i'll answer questions if you send them to me! if you need help with your relationship, or just want to know what would happen if you put a cactus potato on a sandwich balcony, email them to me at ask4eyes@gmail.com!
Here are some things people have searched for to get Foureyes: "giraffe kiss," "stalk 'glasses,'" "girl bidet," "(fucked or fucking or tits or boobs or pussy or," "nip tuck couch," "people having sex in doctors office," "sex," "dating girls with glasses," "nose," "webcam @hotmail girl," "prince black sweat official music video," "ponytail twirl," "naked msn girls," ""glasses" -malone -kanye -ash -iphone," "how girls use bidet," "
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Here's the latest episode. There's going to be a lot of posts from today, you're just going to deal. The song's title actually got lost, but it's by The Marina's Ghost.
The song is "Evening Wear" by Mindless Self Indulgence.
Make sure to comment, and ask me questions!
Send your suggestions for the bonus question (hint. there IS a right answer.) as comments to this post, or emails to ask4eyes@gmail.com. You should also probably email me questions for next time. :D
So I'm having an EXTREME amount of technical difficulties with Foureyes tonight.
I'll be re-editing and posting tomorrow instead, because the program crashed and I lost the entire thing, as I was attempting to put the LAST title in.
Hopefully the hardcore fans will think to check the blog and I won't get a barrage of IMs going "ZOMG WHERE'S FOUREYES I CAN'T HANDLE MY LIFE."
Because I got so many questions, I decided to do a special Valentine's Day extra episode. If I keep getting this many questions, I'll start doing Foureyes twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If not, I'll stick to my once a week scheme.
Bonus fun: If you can spot the three (and the one lame one) Valentine's surprises in this video, I'll send you a special, never before seen Foureyes clip.
Keep sending me questions, I love you all.
YouTubers, make sure to subscribe, rate, and comment!
Here's the vid:
Send questions to ask4eyes@gmail.com, leave comments here, or leave comments on the video.
Have a good weekend! Do naughty things and get into trouble and then ask me for advice on it. ;)
In this edition of Ask Foureyes, I answer questions on having people's babies, bitches, and clingy boyfriends. Leave comments, follow this blog, or subscribe on YouTube.